Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Unexpected Help

I really like teaching Kindergarten.  They are always so excited to see you every morning.  What I don't particularly like about Kindergarten is prepping for art activities.  It becomes a lot of construction paper cutting.  Well, today, someone did all the work for me.  I didn't ask them to help. It surprised me and it really made my day.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Parking Lot Traffic

Day 11

Today's feel good moment not only made me feel great but it also gave a sense of satisfaction.  I went to a big event recently that had a lot of people in attendance.  These people all needed to find a spot to park their vehicle.  It is so nice when you can easily find a good parking spot.  My favourite part is at the end of the event when everyone rushes out to their car because they don't want to get stuck in the inevitable traffic jam.  Well it gave me great satisfaction when my car was approximately the 10th car out of the lot and I was saved from the parking lot traffic jam.

 If only that could happen everytime . . .

Monday, November 26, 2012

A World Far Away

Day 10

Not only do I love to read but...
I love someone reading to me.
Credit: ginnerobot

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Coffee Love

Day 9

What made me feel good today was having someone drive out of their way to bring me coffee to help my day be a little more pleasant.  It not only made me feel good but I also felt special that they cared about me that much. 

To mail or to e-mail?

Day 8

The increased use of technology allows for our population to instantly communicate through e-mail, texting or social media.  This increased use of technology does not diminish the importance of real snail mail.  It always makes me happy to receive real mail.  Well not only did I receive real mail but my mail was a package that I had ordered the day before!  It was instant real mail!  Perfection!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Good Friends

Day 7

What made me feel good today was catching up with a friend in a conversation that lasted for hours but seemed like moments.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Day 6

So I want to apologize because I realize that this post might not make everyone feel good.  I have started a new habit every morning of looking outside at my car to see if I have to scrape the frost off of my windows.  I check as soon as the alarm sounds.  I want to know if I have to get up that very moment or if I can hit snooze one or maybe two more times.  Well, when I looked outside I got so excited I forgot that I could hit snooze because it was snowing!!!  It was so beautiful.  The snow was featherlight and falling so slowly.  It was one of those magic snowfalls that bring anticipation and excitement for Christmas and Snow Days!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Warmth and Light

Day 5

I was reading a book today which isn't very unusual because I love to read.  I chose to read the book in the kitchen which is unusual because I typically like to snuggle in my bed to read.  It is just so warm and comfortable.  When I was reading in the kitchen the sun was streaming through the windows filling the room with light.  It was bright, beautiful and sooo warm.  I felt like a cat enjoying the sun's warmth on a cold, winter day. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Day 4

I love babies.  They are especially sweet when they are fast asleep.  You can not help but to fall in love with a baby as they sleep soundly in your arms as you rock them back and forth.  As you admire their tiny features it is a reminder of what a perfect miracle they are.  It was the highlight of my day. 

Friday, November 16, 2012


Day 3

The look of pure happiness on someone else's face when they turn around and see that you are there.  It only makes it better that it was a student and we were in an assembly.  They had the biggest smile on their face but they also gave me a thumbs up.  It was like they were saying good job!  You are here and you are being quiet!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Day 2

In the moments before I needed to leave the house I couldn't find my mittens. It was cold I wanted my mittens so I scrambled everywhere looking for them.  As I started to give up I put my hands in my pockets and there they were waiting for me!  It was so great.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Unexpected Beauty

Day 1:

I was driving to work in the early morning and I came up to the crest of a large hill.  It was as I looked out across the landscape that my heart lifted in happiness.  The sun was rising in the distance behind the City of Toronto.  It was lighting the sky with beautiful pinks and oranges.  It was like a piece of art as the buildings were an inky, black silhouette with a beautiful sunrise in the background. 

Used with Rawpixels.ca's permission

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Feel Good Book

Today, I had a pretty normal day.  I wasn't feeling sad or happy.  It was just an average day. It so happened that my day was about to change.

I took my Kindergartens to the library so they could exchange their books.  The librarian reads the students a story before they go get their new books.    I knew, even though the students did not, that the librarian had to put down her cat the day before.  I knew she was having a tough day. The book that she chose to read to my class both impressed and amazed me.  She read, The Feel Good Book, by Todd Parr.  This is a children's story that asks the students to think about what makes them feel good.  Even though she was having a rough day she chose to surround herself with ideas that made her happy and shared those ideas with my Kindergartens.

This inspired me to think about the things during my day that make me feel good.  Each day I am going to share what made me feel good that day.  It will hopefully inspire others to feel good and look for the goodness in their day.